Just others, I haven't posted to this blog for many months. Heard a rumor that you could lose the blog if you don't keep it updated, so thought something should get dropped in here, since there is a ton of history that I have nowhere else. I was thinking about this the other day, that it might be nice to actually write something personal again. Since I retired and moved to Rocky Point, I have spent a lot of time and energy keeping the MoHo Travels Blog up to date with all our current trips and travels, and now it even has home stories in there.
This blog is different. It is 100 percent mine. It isn't "out there" in the world and only a few folks even have a clue where it is. My one lone follower, Mary Ann, knows all the inside stuff about me anyway, so I don't have to consider another person's views and feelings when writing here. Funny how that makes a difference, but it does. I tend to write a lot more personal stuff on my own blog, Mo tends to want to keep the travel blog "company friendly". That 's probably a good thing, but still, I don't want to lose this blog as a place where I track my own personal feelings about life as it goes along. So there you have it.
Maybe someday soon I'll have the time and the motivation to talk about something other than the daily stuff. Do you suppose?
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