I took a knitting class yesterday, 6 hours o

f knitting in one day, with a lunch break. There we 8 of us in the class, varying levels of experience, but no beginners at least. After 6 intense hours of instruction, this is how far I got on the Undulating Waves scarf. I wasn't alone. Most of us were on something like row 10 or 12, after learning a lot about how to knit backwards as we unraveled our mistakes. I hope I can actually get the hang of this thing. Pat, the instructor, insists that we will eventually get it, as we all knit along. Lucky for me, the fee for the class includes as many "knit along evenings" that I need to finish it without paying the 7. fee for those evenings. Something tells me that I may be showing up on Wednesday nights after work while I try to actually finish this thing. Something else tells me that this may not be an airplane project. Lots of counting and measuring, and sliding of beads, and concentration. I am happy so far with my scarf. Unlike my fingering weight socks that went the way of the stash bin. We will see how it goes.

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