I'm in Lincoln today and it's raining hard. Not surprising, and not surprising to see the radar with all those bright yellow and red blotches here on the Nebraska line, not surprising for May at least. I'm not sure why "they" seem to think that May is such a great time to be out in the fields here, maybe because the corn isn't up yet. It's been a good week. The erratic weather has been kind and refrained from dumping on us in the field. I have a good group this year, everyone seems interested and seems to be learning and having fun. It's funny how there are group dynamics and after some classes that weren't so positive, I appreciate this one even more. I was assigned a group of six to mentor and the work area we are mapping is the same one I had last year. I enjoyed that, especially taking them to "the tree". It's an amazing old elm along the creek, and definitely worth the photo. Meet a few of the new crop of soil scientists.
We all have the weekend free, and some of us decided to go to the amazing Cabela's store near Omaha. It was like Disneyland for outdoor people, maybe even more so than my old western favorite REI. There are not only acres of outdoor wear, fishing gear, hunting gear, packs of all sorts, boots, and everything wonderful that you ever saw in the Cabela catalog, there are also waterfalls and mountains and even a very huge aquarium inside the store. Lots of trophy animals as well, which may or may not affect your sensibilities, but certainly a pretty amazing place. Check out the website for the La Vista Nebraska store and be sure to go to the photo gallery! Incredible, actually
http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/community/aboutus/retail-detail.jsp?detailedInformationURL=/cabelas/en/content/community/aboutus/retail/retail_stores/lavista/lavista.html&cm_re=retail*left*lavistaIt was fun, and I bought a really cool soil pack that is made by some sort of fly fishing specialist that just tickled me to pieces. I'm truly a bag lady, and my bag obsession is getting a bit weird, but this one has so many pockets and straps and bells and whistles that I couldnt' resist. i will be the coolest soil scientist around. hahahaha!
Of course, in addition to all the cool outdoor stuff, there is actually a real "mall" here in Lincoln

and I managed to get there last night. Nice for a shopping deprived foothill resident. Back home it's an hour to any kind of shopping and it's always crowded and crummy. I enjoyed my little foray and even managed to get a pair of glasses that I needed.
Had been planning to try to figure out how to get down to the LensCrafters in Modesto where my prescription resides, and lo and behold, here I was in Lincoln and they had my prescription on line and my glasses ready the next morning. Cool. Melody will be proud of me since they aren't old lady glasses any more. hahaha again! I returned home to beautiful flowers in my room from Melody and Kevin and the kids and John and his new friend Jan will be arriving soon to spend the evening and tomorrow with me here in Lincoln. Not bad for a Mom's day out!
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