My grandmother knew how to get the richest cream for her coffee and for her life, so the "cream" line has become a family mantra. Here I share an online journal of my life past and present with family and friends. Travel stories from now on will be on the blog link to the left.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day

My son John and his new friend Jan came to visit. It was an amazing serendipity, because as they were driving north, the tornados were hitting all around Joplin. I am sad for the people caught in the storms, but so glad that my son wasn't home when they hit. We had a nice evening and got up early this morning to walk Lincoln in the breezy cool sunlight. Lincoln is a lovely town, and John really enjoyed the architecture. I really enjoyed showing him one of my favorite things in Lincoln, the brick sculpture bas relief down in the HayMarket at the train depot. It is very nearly impossible to get any kind of photo that shows how detailed and beautiful this sculpture is, and it never ceases to amaze me when I look at it.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Teaching soil survey

We all have the weekend free, and some of us decided to go to the amazing Cabela's store near Omaha. It was like Disneyland for outdoor people, maybe even more so than my old western favorite REI. There are not only acres of outdoor wear, fishing gear, hunting gear, packs of all sorts, boots, and everything wonderful that you ever saw in the Cabela catalog, there are also waterfalls and mountains and even a very huge aquarium inside the store. Lots of trophy animals as well, which may or may not affect your sensibilities, but certainly a pretty amazing place. Check out the website for the La Vista Nebraska store and be sure to go to the photo gallery! Incredible, actually*left*lavista
It was fun, and I bought a really cool soil pack that is made by some sort of fly fishing specialist that just tickled me to pieces. I'm truly a bag lady, and my bag obsession is getting a bit weird, but this one has so many pockets and straps and bells and whistles that I couldnt' resist. i will be the coolest soil scientist around. hahahaha!
Of course, in addition to all the cool outdoor stuff, there is actually a real "mall" here in Lincoln
Saturday, May 03, 2008
afternoon at home
Of course, I can never resist the hostas. I looked back over my photos, and they are like pictures of my children, every year, the same ones, incredibly photogenic children at that! The big one in the pot on the front porch has a history. She is called "Great Expectations" I saw this hosta for the first time in 2002 before I left Spokane at my favorite perennial nursery there. They had more than 300 varities of hostas, and this one was growing in a great old Italian urn under the shade house. It was so incredibly magnificent, and I had never seen hostas in pots before. I bought one tiny plant. The nurserman warned me that it was a slow grower. He was right. I have nursed this baby along for years in Klamath in the ground, then in this pot, moved her down to Jimtown with me, and now, finally for the first time, Great Expectations is living up to my expectations! Something about the huge leaves and the way the light and water plays on the leaves captures me totally. It's a hosta thing. Only hosta lovers probably have any clue what I mean.
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