Hazardous Waste or just Poison Oak???
As I discovered in the most uncomfortable way, I am seriously allergic to poison oak, the bane of mapping soils in the California foothills. My review team leader is also allergic, and we had a review recently right in the middle of the stuff. I knew I had to do something to avoid the steroid shots and trips to the hospital, so came up with the chemically inert TyVek suits sold at the paint store. Obviously they were a hit. For some unknown reason, there are three MLRA Project Leaders and Team Leaders in California named Sue. Hence the photo here of Sierra Sue (me) with my technical leader Valley Sue from Davis at the head office in Davis. Got an email today from Valley Sue extolling the virtues of the suits and thanking me for helping her avoid one more painful encounter with the evil beast. She even sent a photo out to the California soil survey crew saying, "Don't laugh, it worked!!" Fun
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Going strong and doing great! ;D
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