No photos this time. (Changed my mind, obviously) I think the camera is in the bottom of a bag somewhere. In the dining room is a pile of stuff with bright flourescent green stickers on each item, warning the movers not to move them. Hope it works. Red tape for the stuff to go to storage, and the rest, off to Jamestown. I have to get used to saying Jamestown instead of Sonora. I live in Jamestown.
I am downstairs in the office where I have the computer, listening to the sound of heavy boots on the hardwood floors upstairs. The guys are great. One of them is young and strong and smokes cigarettes and drinks 24 ounce cans of something filled with guarana and inositol. He has a really cool tatoo on his neck and he's really incredibly sweet. Last time I moved with the government the people were pretty trashy and were really rude. I'm grateful this is so easy.
I'm feeling it this morning. Boxes filling up everywhere. Space clearning out. It's amazing to have someone do this for me. I still remember all those years moving from apartment to house to apartment and again. Always renting and hoping that the next place would be a real home. I haven't had to rent anything since I moved into my grandmother's home more than 11 years ago. Whew! What a blessing. Amazing how many little blessings have come to me as I get older. Young strong guys packing and moving my stuff. Cars that actually run, that don't overheat, and don't have weird carburetors and have good tires. You have no idea how it feels to be in a beat up old volkswagon with little babies in the car, traveling, moving. I remember.
OK, so maybe I will take a picture and put it in here. Just for fun. It's cloudy this morning, weak sun, but the snow that fell overnight has already melted. It's happening.
I may even have a renter. That's pretty exciting. Not sure who she is yet, but the rental management company said she's a middle aged woman coming to see the house on Saturday after I am out of here. Moana coming today to help me with putting up the gutters that we never got up last summer, and scraping the windows that we never managed to get scraped after we painted right up to the snow time.
My computer is running slick. David came yesterday and worked on it. Everyone needs a computer Dave.
And David, my sweetie from work came by last night and we laughed ourselves silly over stupid soils stuff while we drank a beer together. He will come to Sonora and visit. Jamestown. (grin)
OK. time to go take some photos
1 comment:
Hi Mom ~
Well... can't believe it is time to move. Funny how the little things in life can make such a difference. The old cars, rickety as they are, can be so memorable; The apartments, the moving - being thankful that it is so easy now!
May the move be pleasant, you find somewhere where you can catch up on the computer, and you find your cameras and 'stuff' in the move!
Love ya,
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