warning. this post is completely irrelevant so just ignore it if you are anyone but me. I'm rambling and trying to find the writer that used to live in here somewhere. She's out to lunch for the moment.
So I keep wondering if I should move all this blog stuff over to Melody's Live Journal where I go all the time. Maybe she can tell me whatever reasons people use to do different blogs. I haven't written anything of substance in a very long time, in spite of the ever changing season. Winter has already come to Klamath. Here in Jamestown, winter is just a breath of cold air on the morning walk, some frost on the pavement, 32 degrees on the car thermometer. Still sun coming in the office windows in the afternoon.
Today I actually felt cold enough to wear a sweater. Poor Stacy, my new soil scientist is from Southern California. She works in the office in a huge sweater, a long scarf doubled around her neck and down her back, a hat that looks like something out of a Russian fairytale and gloves. Yes, gloves. Fingerless ones that let her still type. I am still in sandals most of the time, and usually forget socks. But today I remembered, socks AND a sweater.
I am supposed to be packing for my trip to Thailand. My grandson is home from Iraq at last, amazingly safe back on US soil after a scary sojourn. Relatively safe at least, as safe as anyone is living in a city and driving in traffic. We are so lucky sometimes to live this life with so few really bad things going on for our family. Little troubles, emotional emergencies that are really so small considering the state of the world. I am grateful.
I wonder if my life really started turning around back a few years ago when I was doing my gratitude journals all the time. I found one today, with day after day of lovely things, sometimes 2, sometimes a dozen, things I was grateful for in a time when I was broke and living in a house with no plumbing. Amazingly, that was also a very long time ago.
Bel is still living in that world of doing without. Now and then I send her money, try to help her a bit. She so deserves so much more. Another lost person going down the tubes, between the cracks of life. Her money is pretty much gone, she is now making a meager living selling "stuff" at her daily garage sale. Good thing she has spent so much of her life collecting stuff, I guess.
So, my house is going to be vacant, and I feel like I am broke, but it's all so relative. I'm not really broke at all. I have more than enough of every little thing, everything. I'm even going to Thailand.
Ahh well.